One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Wednesday 14 December 2011


On wed i volunteer at food bank. Well its at a church so i go into where the preacher would say his deal,Something i would like to say is Its my god as i understand HIM.So i pray for forgiveness and letting go.You see i wouldn't say take my will and life do as you see i believed into somewhat of own demise.Now since accident been praying do as you will. In my stupid ass thinking theres nothing LEFT ANYHOW so do as you will.Same as thinking that people in wheelchairs always get looked after by gov,family.Ya know someone else but wheelchair victim. How stupid,i am one of those people KNOW,luckily with no physical damages.You see i am one serious BRAIN SURVIVOR,Trying to promote this fucken injury on bloggs and such .PEOPLE need to know about struggles for Human beings with injury's.

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