One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Brain survivors meeting

This is forreal . I have a survivors meeting 1st thur every month.You see these peaple THINK like i do.My have physicle disabilites some,but we are survivors,Of this thing called TRAMATIC BRAIN INJURY.Well i have had Christmass and newyears.Some of us think Christmass or newyears just another day unless someone told us then all excitedness will appear.Anyhow new day EVERY day.Rembering not strong points for me anyhow,I will remeber when wife tells me,All dates at that time for birthdays or hollidays.Its my volenteer day and church praying day for me .Seen buddy Rob and Joyce today,seen everyone that volinters there,Hugs kisses newyear.WOW came home wrote blog.Thinking of what ive gotten from christmass.KOOL,Love care and concern,Lifes good.

Monday 2 January 2012

dogs best freind

Well it says what it means,DOGS BEST FRIEND.You see i was in a accident 5 years ago march 30 2007.My life changed with a blink of an eye.My life is knew thanks and understanding  of my WIFE 3 dogs named BUSTER, SCKOOBY, HARLEY.Know these guys seen me,up or down,When i got to see Harley at hospitality's in Maple ridge Like so excited the both of us.Then months past then was aloud home to see Sckooby, buster,and Harley.Ya know life with out them would be a drag.Conversations, Whining crying moans and groans and absolute frustration WITNESSED by three dogs is love KNOW i mean LOVE, care ,concern.Hugs kisses freindship