One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Wednesday 19 March 2014

well you see, its brain injury month. ive gotten in motercycle accedent march 30 2007 . ive been trying to pramote injury on my facebooy ,and everything, i went to sharras ,dom ,mandys birthday party on wed,you see sandy and tyler are no longer with me any more.its been 7 years since accedent.ive gone sailing with group of surviors,jessica,my life changed in a blink of an eye. i right this blogg in hopes someone with same injury reads this , but you see some peaple are  independent enough to go to store , foodbank, innervisions, value village and such there at the begining wher i was. some have parailization to limbs , you see our group doesnt see this we think were all the same neverthe less. same can move around some cant and never t be    but were surviors     thank god