One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Monday 12 October 2015

sin differently

hi ther, ive been in my head lately.first things first. my wife laurie moved me into this place brand new and everything,i got poco trails a  got dog parks,bank, safeway, meeting place sorviors group, innervisions. and the thing is ime walking this with b.g. ive got this jolly go lucky guy with a pittbull. he cant controll this beutifull dog named lucy . you see i owned scooby he was a pittbull rotwiller. you see i wasnt allwed to take scooby for waks, you see i still have problems lifting a chair across the room , anyways ive been pushed and shoved by him and dog. well ime made one way allways have allways will, got buged teased as a child on a.d.h.d. so ive smashed anyone who affended me laughed at me , lied to me prety well anything ide smash you, now my wifes one of these normle ones she says two wrongs dont make it right.wet to a funnereal last week a child hood freind son is dead. if i dont go to funnelreals my age and up oh my god,talked to ron and my dad .whers theirs love care or concern.