One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Monday 1 April 2013

wreck beach and stairs

hi there, i went with scott and kera, and my wife laurie, went to wreck beach on friday morning, like we get there in u.b.c..we start walking and thers stairs and railings like the last time i went, i told my sister, she said in a laughing manner what did you do shromes, like i said its been along time and the walkway has stairs and railings.    so its been a while ...     i would like to say this scott and kara are like my freind  mark as i was a kid, you see with this b.t sometimes you dont know if tour commin ore going, anywaze my freind mark had compassion and kindness helped to bitter end and back then moved away got a life got married and is going to show up at house to bad i lost house ,rods ,harleys ,corvetts, got to see me for who and what i am really. not some guy whos a.d.h.d ex convic alcoholic druggaddict who now has t.b.i. like what fckn gives.anywaze scott me laurie, and kara walked, i think scott said 467 steps there then back, well im here i made it   kool