One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Thursday 18 September 2014

my life.

well i havnt wrote since monitar was down, went golfing, at eagle quest in coq, my freind carla had her ex hubby guy there to eat with us when golfing was over. i didnt mind my own buisness, natruly i raised my fist said beware made every one no, her mom said jamie there good freinds, i said when did good freinds work after its not working and your just angaged... so anywaze i contuned on having fun with dom hes a new freind to our group, betwine me and him he knows i rode with the haney hells angels he hung with vancouver were childhood freinds our members.listen for starters i couldnt beat up a wet papper bagin the condition im in, you see ime blessed for one was sober last 16 years, yes i was a sober horse theif    anywaze. we went to go one man boat sailing at jerico beach in vancouver. i would  have to ketch buss. in morning                                      
 mornung to poier st. in coq to meet sandy caverly our cordnater most beutifull ladt with no judgement what so ever,we went to jerico beach had a picnic for everyone who showed .at the end of day me and dom went with an instructor in little boat which had a sail . lile how kool we got to go see freighters sun shinning  . lifes good. next was our meeting group at surviors.i asked carla if she knows god our touched his hand when accedent happend. she said of course jamie of course . i almost burst into tears . its the thing ive thought since accedent  or in my case   what . ive allso got to go pick up mom. lauries mom we had a blast . played wee frisbe golf for all hours of    the night    .  

Monday 15 September 2014

i dont know what i am at times

listen , listen please my  moniter            r broke down havnt been able to write blogg. never mind this its very frustrating and hard havnt wrote. life is life went golfing with grobelerive ime blessd , i asked carla well she thinks shes blessed  , if you havnt a tramatic injury i dobt youd have the same feelings . asked did you feel gods hand  the replie is yes you go like  forreal and this is true.