One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Friday 5 September 2014

monitar broke had to ask to get knew one

well its been a while, moniter broke , had to ask for one , thank god for teresa , terry, at the foodbank i volinteer at in poco. my life is well. every day is knew full of excitment , walked wiyh stroller to food bank on shaunsy. so walked there and  back with wheeled walker , like f n  kool  o.k.  ime stuck on this not giving up , from buddy michell on his facebook page.  you   see   were   surviors . ime an ex biker due to accednt. ex con vic a.d.h.d. adult with this ex dope head alcholic, 16 years sober with my dads help of coursae, i awoke at hospital dad said  hi jamie your a sober horse theif    i said   what the life has gone on from there .  ive started to regionize my life with actually being blessed. and no shit ime  saying  what  the f   .our surviors group understands thourly. because i think its because weve been blessed. and we know the hand of somewhat of   god     .so i try things possibly ime capable with laurie  my absolutely blessed wife for evan staying with me as tears are running down my face. like i think when is it   give me a brake   .