One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Tuesday 11 December 2012

happiness of cake day

hi there , how are you , You see its my 16 year cake of sobriety,CLEA N SOBER , You see i spoke about please come weather you want to are not.YOU SEE IVE DONE STEP MEETINGS ,IVE DONE Bigbook studys . ANGER MANAGEMENT , 2 TIMES AND FAILD, Been through 4 detoxis 2 treaement centres. recouvery house, from freind i met 20 years ago,you see this friend named billy has given me jamie a job on fridays claning smoke pit and weightroom up. THANK GOD theres clean and sober peaple who would give a SHIT,,,.i also had the priveledge to see my FREIND BAD BRAD,, ive known brad for 35 years so hes been up and down this road as my MOM AND DAD HAS.........YOU SEE BEFORE ACCEDENT WAS ANGREY RESENTFULL AGAINST ME,after has been a ride, you see with this t.b i. i have short term memory. so ive been sober for 16 years  before that was clean for 3 years.. before the consistancy of 16 I COULD ONLY REMEMBER BACK ABOUT 20 YEARS ,,BEN CLEAN 19 OUT OF 20 I life is life. and THANK YOU.........