One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Thursday 2 February 2012

Brain survivors meeting @ clean@sober incidents

Hi there its Me again ,Just got off phone with sis AND i told her about meeting. It was about volintering. WHICH i do anyhow, WED foodbank Fri Value village , The rest of week is A.A then gym or BOWLING which i like very much. I play the WII game otherwise or do blog . Life is very different for me. When i am A.D.H.D ex A.A or N.A guy who has 3/4 tattoed EX convict who know has this T.B.I. THAT actually lived threw an accident like mine should be dead.Well i have been clean@sober for 15 years. You see im not like i was before being a clean@sober horse THIEF.Makin the bakon doesnt allways give you a hand up. YOU see this is first TIME ive aggnowledge this, about being HONEST to dad and sponser.THEY LAUGHT when i told them. LIKE they never knew.So sneaky not allways the way........And i go to freinds 2 year cake tomorrow.

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Hi ther,How are you peapls,Liston i just got off the phone with dad and he knew I WAS A CLEAN@SOBER HORSETHEIF ALL THES YEARS well know its been 15 yeaes,5 years ago gotten in a chopper accedent.SINCE then its been a frustrating time for me BUT. I am helping peaple. NOT the usall its payday when i want day.For 10 yeaes i was not that good.5 years have been GRATE.With no BULLSHIT but loveing my Wife and dogs i call FAMILY.Getting the same back 10 fold.My life is different NOW,Its my buddies Birthday on friday How KOOL can it be,

Monday 30 January 2012

its monday

Well todays day is speacial i go to a meeting with Ron. Like every monday since accident,FRIDAY will be a buddies BIRTHDAY.And i get to go with RON.Its not like my birthday with this FCKN T.B.I. any ways.I go to meetings wheather i want to are not. Im at the 15 year mark, with t.b.i Last 5 years.My life has dramaticly CHANGED since then.