One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Tuesday 10 September 2013

well you see, here i am thinking im going for a walk, i open door theres my buddy g  and wife, with hes jet boat deisle dodge, ya know a hundred grands worth easy,we go to portmody boat launch get boat in water we go out lay down crabb traps , go to cappilino river to base of before ocean, fish didnt catch anything, were under 2nd narrows bridge we go to lions gate bridge we can see stanley park ,we see were we rode choppers with wives, so me and you know me and g undestand what wives mean. being ime on 2nd one who means every  thing to how kool ime with wife ,best freind his wife,   were fckn rocken as useall,,ive known g since if been nine years of age ,went to school ive worked with him for ten fckn years till extrusion mill shut down. i get into bike accedent walaa. like man we go get crab traps we get about 16 of them we go home eat crab, at his house , you see ime starting to realize things know, i still have a life...