One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Monday 22 October 2012

lifes terms

hi there, how are you,  yaa see my life started again, march 30 2007. i gotten into a motercycle accident, life starts after being chemickly indused into koma, you find out what a dogs best freand really means( love) ,,,.ive also learned to take a buss. go to any appointments ive had. ya know  life on lifes terms freinds along the way, socialized had life so far. you see ime marriad to the most beutifull women of this world. thank god after the bullshit ive committed 20 years ago.i still go to a.a mon, or fri, at kinsmen centre. ya see for starters my dad is 34 years clean & sober   my sponser is 44 yeaes sober. i am 15 years clean & sober......ya see know i have this t.b.i. injury that have to except,   like man is it hard and frustrating,,,, ya wake up have a shawer get dried off. find out you only used the conditioner not shampoo    like what gives....days some times are like that, ya see i dont realize peaple get  old includiing self. ta see i think sometimes this is like breaking your arm ore something like that anyways.    wrong ya actually got to think about what your doing.and how you act