One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Saturday 17 January 2015

melt down...

hi, ime jamie, somedays are better than most. ive gotten in arguement with bro, about my dad, i had to force him in kids toybox by desk outside, then bite him.what ame i gonna due when i listen to bullshit last 8 years , when i couldnt beat myself out of wet papper bag.anywaze christmass at dads and moms with kids, like kool . had surviors group , i told every one i didnt want to be this t.b.i. shit no more,,.first time pretty well.ive burst, botteling up i geusse,,,you see emotions feeling are gone at times,life is hard frustraring for me. all things did before, ane ezeenow a fucken struggle,,,,.