One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Thursday 2 February 2012

Brain survivors meeting @ clean@sober incidents

Hi there its Me again ,Just got off phone with sis AND i told her about meeting. It was about volintering. WHICH i do anyhow, WED foodbank Fri Value village , The rest of week is A.A then gym or BOWLING which i like very much. I play the WII game otherwise or do blog . Life is very different for me. When i am A.D.H.D ex A.A or N.A guy who has 3/4 tattoed EX convict who know has this T.B.I. THAT actually lived threw an accident like mine should be dead.Well i have been clean@sober for 15 years. You see im not like i was before being a clean@sober horse THIEF.Makin the bakon doesnt allways give you a hand up. YOU see this is first TIME ive aggnowledge this, about being HONEST to dad and sponser.THEY LAUGHT when i told them. LIKE they never knew.So sneaky not allways the way........And i go to freinds 2 year cake tomorrow.

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