One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Volenter day

Well i usually go in the church and pray but the foodbank is closed for today.I had to phone joyce this morning. This is the lady who runs the show.Would like to say,This is family, HER, Makes days go by.Ive started to volunter for foodbank about 1 year or 2 years ago from my freind ROB. Which ive learned a grate deal of life from.You see ive been in a terrible accedent 5 years ago not able to work.So i volenter at foodbank and value village once a week.Ive gown up, hate to say this to loud, ron my sponser of 20 years clean and sober,Ive only gotten 15 years,MY hero 33 years,RON K 44 years, mikey 22 years,And Billy of course at 22 years HE owns INNERVISIONS recouvery society .These peapl are in my life for security solidness,Ya know peaple you could talk to about life and problems of SELF.IME trying to make sence of this, I wake up after being chemicle indused in koma for 3 months and theres ACTUALLy LIKE theres peaple who have lives, not loaded. IVE avously lost my mind ore dreaming.THIS IS FFFFAMILY.

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