One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Volenter day

Well i usually go in the church and pray but the foodbank is closed for today.I had to phone joyce this morning. This is the lady who runs the show.Would like to say,This is family, HER, Makes days go by.Ive started to volunter for foodbank about 1 year or 2 years ago from my freind ROB. Which ive learned a grate deal of life from.You see ive been in a terrible accedent 5 years ago not able to work.So i volenter at foodbank and value village once a week.Ive gown up, hate to say this to loud, ron my sponser of 20 years clean and sober,Ive only gotten 15 years,MY hero 33 years,RON K 44 years, mikey 22 years,And Billy of course at 22 years HE owns INNERVISIONS recouvery society .These peapl are in my life for security solidness,Ya know peaple you could talk to about life and problems of SELF.IME trying to make sence of this, I wake up after being chemicle indused in koma for 3 months and theres ACTUALLy LIKE theres peaple who have lives, not loaded. IVE avously lost my mind ore dreaming.THIS IS FFFFAMILY.

Wednesday 14 December 2011


On wed i volunteer at food bank. Well its at a church so i go into where the preacher would say his deal,Something i would like to say is Its my god as i understand HIM.So i pray for forgiveness and letting go.You see i wouldn't say take my will and life do as you see i believed into somewhat of own demise.Now since accident been praying do as you will. In my stupid ass thinking theres nothing LEFT ANYHOW so do as you will.Same as thinking that people in wheelchairs always get looked after by gov,family.Ya know someone else but wheelchair victim. How stupid,i am one of those people KNOW,luckily with no physical damages.You see i am one serious BRAIN SURVIVOR,Trying to promote this fucken injury on bloggs and such .PEOPLE need to know about struggles for Human beings with injury's.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Went and seen keith the shrink today told him about my cake at kinsmen centre,how Ron said to my dad to share.What he said was would my hero please talk.Ihavnt told anyone never i mean NEVER.So had a moment,never thought about this.a Hardwair buisnss man owner whos 33 years clean,and lived with me Whos my father,my fkn hero aaaakool like kool


Ya know life changes when you have freinds like michael coss, from my life till know.BEing a survior myself so insparatoinal about life .Hes my freind from suvior group in coq 1 a month,I read his storyies,Walk on terry fox run we got pics taken,His dad brought me langly times.Me my wife,and Micheal on front page at least its not crimestoppers.Any how ima 20 year,clean an sober biker,AND WANT HIS LIFE,hes pretty kool like me anyhow Not as good looking but we can work on that,at meeting.Man do i ever idelize him and the results he gives us from books to websites is unbeliveble.

jamies life

Well I am going to start by saying i don't mean ore say anything disrupted disrespectful, THIS is my story. I went to food bank today have been volunteer for about 1 or 2 years know, unload food truck by passing boxes through doorway of church.then help in bread room.YOU see my father told me at hospital about 5 years ago jamie you got to keep moving.Well I looked up what do you mean keep moving. i thought moving I've been moving for last 20 years moving my ass.Well here it is hes right Keep moving for me means i limber up and can walk as good as i can, I can actually operate feeling emotions and lifestyle right.You see being a 20 year biker has its privileges,So in this deal i remember about 20 years back in my life.I am 48 years of age.Don't remember being in royal Colombian Remember maple ridge, eagle ridge home sell every thing house included. Life sometimes gives what it gives you mime is a.d.h.d,drunk drug addict biker with this thing called t.b.i. I've been clean about 5 years ago and people that knew me and sober out of 20 been 15 years Clean and sober  Dec 6 of this year only reason know how many years my sister gave me a birthday card.

Monday 12 December 2011

jamie birthday

Well its been  day i got a 15 year medallion from rons girl jenny,Like am i kool are what, makes  me feel loved cared for,Mom, and lara showed up today at meeting.I must be blessed what other reason would there be.Like GOD, LOOKING out for me as usual.pretty fn is good as you make it.Been 5 long years since accident,The thing i tried to say today is after being chemically induced into coma ya still know who ya are are were,short term memory doesn't help much either.Cant remember feelings or emotions from 20 years ago
 to only get 15 years. Life is good,that's what I'm saying and sticking TO IT t.b.i. or not.

Thursday 8 December 2011

well its me again Moving, sometime ago my father came and seen me at hospital.Said jamie you have to keep moving,as my thoughts go fu you're moving i have been moving for last 20 years moving. I have thought about this long and hard.Well hate to say it but he is right,If i exercise move body get limber and can walk, operate or function,Life is short So if you move and grove life becomes functional. I Jamie write these stories for me and t.b.i. survivors no disrespect  these are my thoughts and actions ONLY,.....from when i been awake from being chemically induced in a comma for 3 months.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

My Headline Article

This is the link to my article, it is on page 10.

New Blog and Announcement

Hello everybody, this is my new blog, I hope to educate people on TBI through my posts.

Also, Today is my AA Birthday - I am now 15 years clean and sober!!!