One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Tuesday 11 February 2014

anythings happining

weell ive gotten a baker cyste out of my right knee back of so been imobilizedat home, todays a day me scoobt, harley went for a walk down the life is accutly unbelievable. i go to value village on fri, innervisions fri foodbank on wed,meetings on monday for my addictions been sober for 16 years wheather i was a horsetheif or not life is life.its me scooby harley and laurie and bela and barbie thats my life, no ridden with the club.straight and go lucky life . no money ,choppers house home, live in dads rentel property. like in a blink of eye all gone could understand if was loaded or something. but know   ime jamie  

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