One Leaf

One Leaf
Symbol of Survivors

Saturday 24 October 2015

lions park

i live right in front of lions park,poco trails the river  now river side tennis courts school. ive brought b.g. down to the river full of salmon guys fishing while i throw rocks in river for b.g.. she lets salmon swim by her. ive been wakig to places ide bring schooter. dog parks off of poco trail, food bank, safe way, bank . ime getting around now . lifess a journey.

Monday 19 October 2015

My Life Now: my spirital awakning.

My Life Now: my spirital awakning.: my life is involving my little jack russel short legged puppy. me and laurie broghot b.g. to other side of park. with this chuck it stick an...

my spirital awakning.

my life is involving my little jack russel short legged puppy. me and laurie broghot b.g. to other side of park. with this chuck it stick and ball , unhocked her lesh and away we went. chucking ball her running to get it through the leaves is a miricle. never mind me and this a.a. t.b.i. biker shit . ime sapposed to be dead at 43. not liven in knew apt.. haves park,poco trails, dog parks , river, safeway like a life.

Monday 12 October 2015

sin differently

hi ther, ive been in my head lately.first things first. my wife laurie moved me into this place brand new and everything,i got poco trails a  got dog parks,bank, safeway, meeting place sorviors group, innervisions. and the thing is ime walking this with b.g. ive got this jolly go lucky guy with a pittbull. he cant controll this beutifull dog named lucy . you see i owned scooby he was a pittbull rotwiller. you see i wasnt allwed to take scooby for waks, you see i still have problems lifting a chair across the room , anyways ive been pushed and shoved by him and dog. well ime made one way allways have allways will, got buged teased as a child on a.d.h.d. so ive smashed anyone who affended me laughed at me , lied to me prety well anything ide smash you, now my wifes one of these normle ones she says two wrongs dont make it right.wet to a funnereal last week a child hood freind son is dead. if i dont go to funnelreals my age and up oh my god,talked to ron and my dad .whers theirs love care or concern.

Friday 2 October 2015

2 bads dont make it right.

listen my wife got a new place for us.ime still walking ore trying to walk due to no stability ore balance. i figured every one could see this. ive been in the shaoughnessy for 3 months ive meet childhood freinds there and everything. walked or stumbeld to dogpark with b.g 3 times last week. thers this jolly go lucky guy from building. he pushed and shoved me into wife as we were getting out of elevator i lunged turned around visously his to rubby freinds said no jamie. yes he pushed me to far . but i dont need to react this way. i couldnt beat myself out of wet papper bag.ywo wrongs dont make it right.

Thursday 17 September 2015

My Life Now: my life now

My Life Now: my life now: well its been along time..ive moved, wife got this beutifull place in front of lions park,poco trails, riverside elamentry,dog parks,innervu...

my life now

well its been along time..ive moved, wife got this beutifull place in front of lions park,poco trails, riverside elamentry,dog parks,innervusions,.foodbank, safeway,river, like ime starting to walk to these places.ime getting stronger,my thinking been good and friend tyler just phoned me, told me wife got me an electric scooter. like how kool, life has been good. had a surviores meeting at rocky point. me and wife laurie, got pics from airel, i put them on my facebook page. going to meetings, dad just got 39 years on the 22nd of this month.told peaple at surviors meeting ive finnally relized you guys are my freinds and thankyou.not where i was 8 years ago , when your a sober horse theif and your riden with the club. things can happen. geuse what my life is better then its ever been. my wife ,b.g ,bella, barbie love care. ya know my life now...